
Showing posts from February, 2024

Is coconut milk good for straight hair?

  Is coconut milk good for straight hair? Coconut milk doesn't really straighten the hair, it just moisturises it and helps tame the hair if it is frizzy  (this can sometimes give the illusion of straight hair). Coconut also gives your hair some 'shine' if its looking all dry and dull. If you want to straighten hair, then use a straightener.

Can coconut milk thicken hair?

  Can coconut milk thicken hair? 🥥🥥🥥🥥 Coconut milk is a great ingredient for hair growth because it contains vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids that benefit hair and the scalp.  One of the most important nutrients that coconut milk contains is lauric acid.

Which milk is best for hair?

  Which milk is best for hair? Cow milk : Cow milk has several benefits for hair. It is rich in essential proteins, minerals, and vitamins. Coconut milk: Coconut milk for hair can prevent hair loss as it can be turned into a good source of calcium, and vitamin A and D

10 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dandruff Naturally

  What kills dandruff faster? 10 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dandruff Naturally Tea tree oil. Coconut oil. Aloe vera. Stress. Apple cider vinegar. Aspirin. Omega-3s. Probiotics.

Can I eat coconut rice everyday?

  Can I eat coconut rice everyday? The results of a study on 8 adults out of 80 people showed that the weight loss effect when using coconut rice daily is much higher than the same amount of peanuts or peanut oil. 13 No

Can coconut milk remove dandruff?

  Can coconut milk remove dandruff? 🥥🥥🥥🥥🥥 Coconut milk is known to be effective in eliminating dandruff , because coconut milk contains coconut oil containing Vitramin E and fatty acids that can eliminate and eradicate dandruff.  You do this by using coconut oil as a massage oil to massage the scalp.

Can I spray coconut milk on my hair?

  Can I spray coconut milk on my hair? However, if the roots of your hair or scalp is prone to getting oily fast, you may want to avoid this and leave it on for just 30 minutes as per the standard application.  If your ends are dry, the coconut milk can be sprayed as a leave-in conditioner for the whole day, just on the ends.

What Indian food uses coconut milk?

  What Indian food uses coconut milk? Indian (Tamil Nadu & Kerala) Ada Prathaman. Gothampu Payasam (Wheat Payasam) Kerala Curries. Molugootal (sometimes used in conjunction with fresh grated coconut to enhance flavour) Mutton Stew. Paal-Appam (sweetened coconut milk in the center of the Aapam for taste) Parippu Prathaman.

Is coconut milk rice healthy?

Is coconut milk rice healthy? Yes, the fats found in coconut are healthy fats and not to be feared ! The coconut milk gives this rice the most amazing creamy texture- with a subtle coconut flavor. This rice dish is reminiscent of a curry dish, but a little more subtle on the flavors (and super easy to make).

Does coconut milk help in hair growth?

  Does coconut milk help in hair growth? Coconut Coconut milk has long been revered for its nourishing properties, and when it comes to natural hair care, it can be a game-changer. Packed with vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids,  coconut milk provides essential nutrients that promote hair growth , moisturize the scalp, and enhance the overall health of your locks.

How long does coconut milk rice last in the fridge?

  How long does coconut milk rice last in the fridge? 4-6  Days Coconut rice, whether store-bought or homemade, will generally last for  4-6 days  in the refrigerator. If you've stored it in the freezer, then it will be good for up to 6 months.

Why is coconut milk called milk?

  Why is coconut milk called milk? Describing these products as "milk" helped to communicate their intended use as a substitute for traditional dairy milk.  Another reason why people call plant-based milk "milk" is that  these products are often marketed as having similar nutritional content to dairy milk .

Where did coconut milk rice come from?

  Where did coconut milk rice come from? Coconut rice has a long and rich history, dating back to ancient times in Southeast Asia. It is   believed to have originated in the coastal regions of Southeast Asia , where coconuts were abundant and easily accessible.

Does coconut milk raise cholesterol?

  Does coconut milk raise cholesterol? Consuming moderate amounts of coconut milk may help lower cholesterol and promote weight loss. The antioxidants it contains may also help protect the body from health issues.

Can I drink coconut milk in empty stomach?

  Can I drink coconut milk in empty stomach? It is not recommended to drink coconut milk on an empty stomach . As it contains Lauric acid.  But tender coconut water mixing few drops of lemon juice can be taken in empty stomach but not the coconut milk.

Is coconut heavy to digest?

  Is  coconut heavy to digest? Half-mature Coconut: In this stage, Coconut contains less water than the tender ones.  2. It is lighter on the metabolic system and has a soft pulp.  3. Fully matured Coconut:   When a Coconut becomes mature, it becomes heavy to digest , and can also aggravate Pitta or Vata Dosha.

Can I drink coconut milk directly?

  Can I drink coconut milk directly? Though both coconut milk and coconut cream may be used as ingredients in beverages, such as the famous piña colada, they are not made for people to drink straight.  A few non-dairy milk companies sell a drinkable beverage they call "coconut milk." This drink is essentially coconut cream mixed into water.

When not to use coconut milk?

  When not to use coconut milk? For example,   if consuming products that are low in fat is a priority , coconut milk may not be your best choice due to its high fat content, which contributes most of the calories of coconut milk.  In addition, regarding protein content, cow's milk and soy milk have more protein than coconut milk and almond milk.

Which milk is the healthiest?

  Which milk is the healthiest? Here are the 7 healthiest milk and milk alternative options to add to your diet. Hemp milk. Hemp milk is made from ground, soaked hemp seeds, which do not contain the psychoactive component of the Cannabis sativa plant. ... Oat milk. ... Almond milk. ... Coconut milk. ... Cow's milk. ... A2 milk. ... Soy milk.

Why banana is called a tree?

  Why banana is called a tree? While the banana plant is colloquially called a banana tree, it's actually an herb distantly related to ginger, since  the plant has a succulent tree stem, instead of a wood one . The yellow thing you peel and eat is, in fact, a fruit because it contains the seeds of the plant.

What is banana leaf called in English?

  What is banana leaf called in English? The leaves on a banana tree are called **fronds**. They are large, broad, and green, and they grow in a spiral pattern around the trunk of the tree.  The fronds are used for a variety of purposes, including cooking, wrapping food, and making roofs.

What is banana leaf good for?

  What is banana leaf good for? Banana leaf has a rich source of polyphenols which  may act against cancer cells . Fresh banana leaf juice may relieve people with psoriasis (itchy, scaly rashes on the skin). Regular banana leaf juice intake in the morning might reduce cough and cold.

What is special in banana leaf?

  What is special in banana leaf? Banana leaves are  large, flexible, and waterproof . They impart an aroma to food that is cooked in or served on them; steaming with banana leaves imparts a subtle sweet flavour and aroma to the dish. The leaves are not themselves eaten and are discarded after the contents are consumed.

Why do Indians eat banana leaves?

  Why do Indians eat banana leaves? The use of banana leaves  to serve food  dates back to a period before the use of metals became the backbone of cutlery. Using fresh leaves was considered more sterile and expendable than using wooden utensils. Banana leaves are inexhaustible, huge, thick, and not easily punctured.

Is banana leaf safe?

  Is banana leaf safe? The banana leaf itself isn't edible . However, when you eat food from a clean banana leaf, some of its nutrients get infused into the food.  These nutrients include phenols, flavonoids, and proanthocyanidins that exhibit natural antimicrobial and antioxidant properties.

What are the uses of banana leaves?

  What are the uses of banana leaves? Banana leaves They are used for  cooking, wrapping, and food -serving in a wide range of cuisines in tropical and subtropical areas.  They are used for decorative and symbolic purposes in numerous Hindu and Buddhist ceremonies. In traditional homebuilding in tropical areas, roofs and fences are made with dry banana-leaf thatch.

Can I apply banana directly on hair?

  Can I apply banana directly on hair? Banana hair mask Basic Banana Hair Mask: Mash one ripe banana until it forms a smooth paste. You can add a tablespoon of honey or yoghurt for extra moisture and shine if desired. Apply the mixture to your hair, covering all strands from roots to tips. Leave it on for 20-30 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with shampoo and water.

How can I use banana leaves?

  How can I use banana leaves? They are excellent platters for appetizers or finger foods.  By using skewers, toothpicks, or staples, make banana leaf boats or bowls to serve salads, rice, fish, or other dishes that don't have a lot of liquid in them .

Is banana leaf good for skin?

  Is banana leaf good for skin? Crush fresh banana leaves and apply it on the skin, you can apply it on the face or all over the body.  Rich in antioxidant and allanation, this green paste can make your skin young, hydrated, and flawless.  It has been found useful in curing skin irritation, pimple, and dark spots as well .

What is the deficiency of banana leaf?

  What is the deficiency of banana leaf? Banana - Growth retardation At severe deficiency, the leaves become necrotic and die off . The growth of the whole plant is stunted and the leaves are smaller than usual. Nitrogen deficiency Sulphur deficiency shows similar symptoms with light green or yellow leaves but the symptoms start on younger leaves.

Is banana leaf medicinal?

  Is banana leaf medicinal? Eating on banana leaves is healthy in every way. It is packed with polyphenols, which are natural antioxidants that is also found in green tea.  These polyphenols battle all the free radicals in the body and prevent diseases.  Banana leaf is also rich in polyphenol oxidase which is an enzyme to treat Parkinson's disease.

Does carrot help in hair growth?

  Does carrot help in hair growth? In addition to skin maintenance, carrots are a great source of nutrients for your hair as well.  They are packed with vitamin A and vitamin E, both of which help improve blood circulation on your scalp. This, in turn,  promotes hair growth  and protects you from premature greying.

How many carrots per day?

  How many carrots per day? As per various health sites, eating too many carrots for a prolonged period can discolour your skin and give it an orange shade due to the beta carotene present in it.  Ideally, you should not consume more than   1 or 2 carrots in a day .

Which juice brings glow on face?

  Which juice brings glow on face ? Carrot-Orange Juice This can be counted as a great fruit juice for glowing skin because it contains vitamin C, beta-carotene, and antioxidants that can protect your skin from sun damage, inflammation, and aging.  Vitamin C can also stimulate collagen production, which can improve your skin's elasticity and firmness.

Can we drink carrot juice in empty stomach?

  Can we drink carrot juice in empty stomach? Empty stomach The soluble fiber in carrot juice supports digestive health.   Consuming it on an empty stomach can alleviate digestive issues, promoting a smoother and more comfortable digestive process .

Can carrots make your skin glow?

  Can carrots make your skin glow? Carrots are rich in a nutrient called beta-carotene which is a precursor for vitamin A.   Consumed regularly in large amounts, beta carotene can build up in your bloodstream and actually begin to change your skin tone to a warmer, more orange tint .

What does carrot juice do to your stomach?

  What does carrot juice do to your stomach? If you are someone who has an irregular bowel movement or someone who suffers from indigestion then having a glass of carrot juice daily will help in maintaining good digestive health.  Carrot has a perfect blend of soluble and insoluble fibers that   aid in digestion and prevents constipation .

What are the 5 benefits of carrot?

  What are the 5 benefits of carrot? Carrot Benefits of Carrots Help Promote Healthy Vision: Vitamin A deficiency causes a disease called dry eye, which affects normal vision and causes night blindness. ... Aids Weight Loss: ... Improves Skin Health: ... Helps Improve Immunity: ... May Support Heart Health: ... Digestive Health. ... Diabetes Management. ... May Help Bones.

Does carrot juice brighten skin?

  Does carrot juice brighten skin? Carrots contain high levels of vitamin C, which are easily absorbed by our bodies.  Along with the antioxidants, these nutrients boost collagen production.  This   brightens the skin, prevents the formation of wrinkles, and makes your skin glow .

Is curd good for skin whitening?

  Is curd good for skin whitening? Lastly, with so many skin benefits, it's obvious that curd helps boost your skin's overall glow and leaves you with a brighter and more even-toned complexion.  The hydration, moisturizer, and exfoliation properties of curd, help boost your skin's health and keep you looking radiant.

Why not to eat curd daily?

  Why not to eat curd daily? However, you should avoid curd if you are lactose intolerant or allergic to dairy products.  Those who have kidney problems or high cholesterol levels should consume curd in moderation.  It is best to consult your doctor or nutritionist to ensure you do not consume it more than the recommended intake.

Is curd a fat or protein?

Is curd a fat or protein? A good part of the dry matter of curd is made up of proteins. However, it also contains fats, carbohydrates, and minerals.  The fat content can vary. Depending on whether it is store-bought or homemade, the fat content can be anywhere between 0.2-9% fat.

What is the nutritious value of curd?

  What is the nutritious value of curd? Curd is quite rich in phosphorous and calcium, but their content is higher in the milk.  Curd is also loaded with riboflavin, Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, and pantothenic acid.  Curd is also loaded with organic acids like lactic acid that helps in the absorption of nutrients and microminerals.

Which is better milk or curd?

  Which is better milk or curd? Though there is not much difference between milk and curd's nutritional value, curd still has an edge over milk.  With its unique properties of keeping gut healthy and preventing infections, curd is also easier to digest as compared to milk.

How much protein is in 1 Litre of curd?

  How much protein is in 1 Litre of curd? On average, curd typically contains about   3 to 4 grams of protein per 100 grams . Therefore, in 1 kilogram (1000 grams) of curd, you can expect it to contain approximately 30 to 40 grams of protein. Protein in curd High in protein:  Curd is a good source of high-quality protein, essential for muscle maintenance, repair, and overall body function.  Calcium content: It provides a significant amount of calcium, crucial for maintaining strong bones and teeth. How much protein should I eat per day? How much protein do I need? Most adults need around 0.75g of protein per kilo of body weight per day (for the average woman, this is 45g, or 55g for men). Can I eat curd at night? Your metabolism is slow during the night hours, and since curd is heavy to digest, it is not recommended to have it at night.