What are the common causes of Constipation

               Common causes of Constipation 


Diets low in fiber is the most common cause of constipation, Fiber is a type of carbohydrate found in plant foods and it adds bulk or volume to the waste plus helps stool stay soft so it can move easily and smoothly through the colon.

 Adequate water intake is essential, to make fiber more effective. Older adults especially do not get enough fiber in their diets and there are many reasons for the same but the most important one to note is that they may have problems with chewing or swallowing. 

  • Constipation is a common side effect when people are on medications that help treat high blood pressure, such as Calcium channel blockers and diuretics.  
  • Medications with a diuretic property helps lower blood pressure by increasing urine output that helps flush water from your system.
  •  Loss water may lead to Constipation as water is needed to keep stools soft and get them out of the body. 
  • Depression causes slowdown of the body’s normal processes and this may lead to Constipation. 
  • Avoid or limit foods that are greasy, fried, or high in animal fat or contain refined sugar, as they may cause constipation. 
  • Fat rich diet takes longer to digest as a result, the body removes (absorbs) too much water from the stools, causing them to become hard, dry and difficult to pass.
  •  Important not to ignore the urge to have a bowel movement; If fecal material or your stool sits in the colon for a long time the stool becomes harder as colon normal removes water; the harder the stool the more difficult it is to pass. 
  • You need to take your time in the bathroom, giving yourself enough time to have a bowel movement without being rushed or distracted.


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