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Health and beauty treatment with castor oil 

How do you make your eyelashes longer with castor oil? 

Grow longer, thicker eyelashes

Thicker Eyelashes

  •  Many women want longer and thicker eyelashes, and not surprisingly, there are commercial products out there that promote eyelash growth. 
  • However, there are various issues with these products, including possibly changing your eye color to brown (if that isn’t your color to start with), giving you dark circles under your eyes, and introducing mysterious and possibly harmful chemicals into a sensitive area of your body.
  •  Castor oil presents an effective and natural alternative to this. 
  • One of the best and most popular uses of castor oil is for promoting hair growth, including eyelashes.
  •  You can find lots of before-and-after testimonials online about the power of castor oil for this use.
  •  Basically, castor oil can act as a replacement for mascara, but your thicker and longer eyelashes will be real. 

How do you grow your eyelashes with castor oil?

  •  There are a few easy ways to apply the castor oil. First, you can use a mascara brush. 
  • Simply dip it in the castor oil, and apply it as though you are applying mascara. 
  • You can also use an eyeliner brush in the same way. Finally, if you don’t have either the mascara or the eyeliner brush, you can also just put a drop of castor oil on your finger and spread it across your eyelid over your eyelashes.
  •  Leave the castor oil on and allow it to get absorbed. 
  • An easy way to do this is to simply apply the castor oil at night before you go to sleep. It’s safe to do this every night, but doing it several times a week should be enough.
  •  Try not to get the oil in your eyes, but if it does happen, don’t worry. Castor oil is safe for your eyes and won’t irritate them. 

Prevent and reduce wrinkles Castor oil 

Reduce wrinkles 

  • Prevent and remove wrinkles Castor oil moisturizes your skin by slowing down the evaporation of water from your skin. 
  • It also restores and boosts collagen. (The breakdown and slowdown of collagen production is one of the contributing factors for skin aging.) 
  • In other words, castor oil is great as a treatment for getting rid of and preventing future wrinkles. 

How do you use castor oil to prevent and remove wrinkles?

  •  Simply massage a few drops into your skin at night. 
  • There is no need to wash the oil off – just allow it to get absorbed into the skin and to do its magic. 
  • You can repeat this every night or several times a week. 

Is castor oil safe to use on your face? 

  • For most people, the answer is yes. Castor oil has a comedogenic rating of 1 on a 0-5 scale, which means it has a low risk of clogging pores (0 means no risk, while 5 means high risk).
  •  For most people, this means that castor oil won’t cause any problems when used on the face. 
  • However, if you are using castor oil on your face for the first time, proceed slowly before you determine how your skin reacts. 

Soothe tired eyes

Soothe Tierd Eyes

  •  If you have spent the whole day staring at the computer screen, chances are your eyes get strained, irritated, and dry. Castor oil can help in a couple of ways. 
  • First off, you can simply massage a few drops of castor oil around your eyes and on your eyelids. 
  • This will moisturize and soothe the skin and make you feel instant relief. 
  •  you are suffering from dry eyes, then you can use castor oil in place of eye drops. Many people swear by castor oil for this use, even when other eye drops haven’t worked for them. 
  • If you have a clean dropper, you can drip a few drops of castor oil directly into your eye. Otherwise, you can simply apply a small amount of castor oil to your lower eyelid with a q-tip, and then close your eyes to allow the castor oil to spread along your eye. 
  • If you are putting castor oil in your eye, make sure that the oil, and whatever instruments you might be using (dropper, q-tip) have not been contaminated in any way. 
  • Being careless about cleanliness here can lead to painful and dangerous eye infections. 

 How do you get the oil off? 

  • Run hot water from a tap, and soak a washcloth in the water.
  •  Put it over your face, and leave it on there until it cools. 
  • The evaporating steam from the washcloth will open up your pores and will help the hardened sebum to dissolve. 
  • Once the washcloth has cooled, gently wipe off the oil from your face. 
  • Don’t scrub your face, just gently wipe it. Rinse the washcloth out, and then soak it again in hot water. 
  • Put it over your face again and repeat this process a few times until you have all the oil off your face. 
  • In the end, if you feel like your face needs it, you can also apply a few drops of oil and massage this into your skin.
  •  It’s recommended that you do the oil cleansing method before bed, and not more than once a day. 
  • I usually do it a few days a week, and just wash my face with water in the meantime. Finally, be aware that there might be an adjustment period of a few days where your skin looks oilier than usual, but this should go away. 
  • Personally, I didn’t experience anything like this. Remove makeup If you find the full-blown oil cleansing method a little too intimidating at the start, you can use the same principle to simply remove your makeup at the end of a long day. 
  • Put a few drops of castor oil onto a cotton pad and simply wipe the makeup off. 
  • Not only will this remove makeup, but it will soothe and moisturize your tired skin. 
  • Make your hair grow As mentioned earlier, castor oil strengthens hair and promotes hair growth. This doesn’t work only for eyelashes and eyebrows, but also for your hair. I’ve read several explanations for why castor oil strengthens hair, but most likely castor oil increases circulation around your hair follicles, stimulating hair growth. 
  • This means you can help your hair grow faster, or prevent or possibly even reverse some hair loss. Different people experience different results. 
  • For some, hair appears to be thicker and stronger. For others, hair grows much more quickly (sometimes as much as 2-3 times as quickly as without castor oil).

 So how do you use castor oil to make your hair grow?

  • The simplest way is to simply massage castor oil into your scalp. 
  • You can spread whatever oil is leftover on your hands over the rest of your hair for some extra conditioning. 
  • Let the oil sit for a few hours or overnight. 
  • Then, after you are done, simply wash it out with your regular shampoo. 
  • Once you have applied the oil to your scalp, you can wrap your hair up in a towel or put it in a shower cap. 
  • This won’t necessarily help with the effect on your hair, but it might just make it more convenient not to have the oily hair staining your clothes or bed linens. 
  • Many people report very good results by simply doing this once a week. It’s not clear whether there is any benefit to doing it more frequently, but everyone is different, and if you are very eager, you can apply castor oil to your hair more often to help it grow.
  •  Relieve sore muscles Ricinoleic acid, the main component of castor oil, has powerful pain-relief properties. 
  • It also seems to increase circulation and acts as an anti-inflammatory. 
  • This all means that castor oil is great for treating sore muscles. 

How should you use castor oil to treat sore muscles? 

  • First off, you can simply rub it in on the area that’s hurting.
  • You can also use it as a therapeutic massage oil. Finally, you can use a castor oil pack, where you soak a piece of cloth in castor oil and put it over the muscles that are aching for a while.
  •  It is slightly more complex, but many people swear by the effectiveness of this technique. 

Treat scratches and burns Castor oil 

Helps in burning

  • Treat scratches and burns Castor oil  is great for treating scratches, burns, and other small skin irritations. 
  • The pain-killing property of the oil will make the healing process easier, while the increase in circulation in the area where the castor oil has been applied will help speed up the healing. 
  • To treat scratches and burns with castor oil, gently rub a bit of castor oil onto the irritated skin. That’s really it – just let the oil absorb into your skin.
  • Repeat this several times a day until the scratch or burn heals. 
  • Eliminate scars There are many anecdotes of healing and removing even years-old scars with castor oil. 
  • This includes re-growing lost hair that used to grow on the area of the scar, recovering sensation if the nerves were previously damaged, and fixing the color of the affected skin.
  • I have personally tried using castor oil to treat an old scar on my shin that I got in a fall off a bicycle, and I believe that it has made a significant improvement. 
  • Removing a scar with castor oil is not complicated. 
  • Simply rub castor oil into your scar several times a day.
  •  For added benefit, put a castor oil pack (without the heating pad) on during the night. 

 Here to get a full description of how to make a castor oil pack.

  •  It might take several weeks or even several months for the scar to disappear entirely. However, you should see progress quickly.
  • Treat your scar with castor oil daily, but take a break for several days if you feel your skin needs time to adjust, either because the skin is getting too dried out or a bit loose. 
  • Get rid of acne Castor oil seems to slow bacterial growth, and since bacteria are implicated in acne, castor oil can help treat or prevent acne. 
  • In addition, castor oil helps dissolve your own skin’s dried and hardened oil (sebum), which traps dust and other particles in your pores. 
  • In this way, castor oil cleans your skin and further reduces the likelihood of breakouts. Finally, unlike some other plant oils, castor oil itself is safe to use on the face and is unlikely to clog pores. 

How should you use castor oil to deal with acne?

  •  Basically, you can use castor oil in the same way as for the oil cleansing method that’s described above. 
  • This means that you first expose your face to heat or steam to open up the pores. 
  • You then apply a small amount of castor oil to your face and massage it in, paying particular attention to trouble spots that are more prone to acne breakouts. 
  • Leave the castor oil on for a while and allow it to do its magic. 
  • Finally, wash your face off with water.
  •  You can additionally add a bit of castor oil to your face in the end to help moisturize your skin if you feel dried out. 
  • Treat dry and chapped lips Chapped lips are a painful and often unsightly condition.
  •  I personally suffered from chapped lips for a long time both in the wintertime (from the colder, drier weather) and in the summertime (from a lot of sunlight).
  •  Castor oil is one of the most effective ways of treating chapped lips. 
  • In fact, castor oil is a key ingredient in many commercial lip balm products. 
  • I’ve tried castor oil for my chapped lips and I can tell you that it works great.
  •  If you’re suffering from chapped lips, gently rub a bit of castor oil onto your lips a few times a day. Continue this as long as you need to heal your lips.
  •  If you find that castor oil seems to dry up too quickly and that it’s not healing your lips, try putting a thin layer of vaseline or petroleum jelly over your lips once you’ve applied the castor oil. 
  • This should keep the castor oil from drying out too quickly and will help you heal sooner. 
  • Ease joint pain Castor oil has long been used as an effective treatment for stiff and aching joints. It seems to be effective both for acute flare-ups, as well as for chronic conditions such as arthritis. 
  • If you are suffering from joint pains, you have several different options for how you can apply castor oil. You can simply rub in some castor oil into the aching joint – many people experience immediate relief from this and don’t need anything more complicated. 
  • You can apply castor oil to your joints liberally, however often you need to ease the pain you’re feeling. 
  • You can also go for the whole castor oil pack, since heat seems to intensify the effect of the castor oil and improves pain relief. 
  • If you are making a castor oil pack, you will probably want to do it in the evening so that the castor oil pack has time to sit. Finally, ingesting castor oil also seems to help with joint pain. Half a teaspoon of castor oil should be enough. Be careful not to ingest too much, since castor oil is a laxative and might irritate your stomach. 
  • If you have not ingested castor oil before, you might start off with an even smaller amount until you determine how your stomach reacts. 

How much castor oil do you need to Relieve constipation? 

Relieve constipation

  •  Relieving constipation is probably the best known use of castor oil.
  •  You will need to ingest castor oil for this use. You can drink the castor oil on its own, or if you really can’t stand the oily taste, you can mix it with juice.
  •  How much castor oil do you need?
  •  A teaspoon is enough for adults, while half a teaspoon should be enough for children. For relieving constipation, it is recommended to take castor oil on an empty stomach in the morning. 
  • Mixing it with food might decrease the effectiveness of the castor oil, and it might take longer to relieve constipation this way.
  •  If you take castor oil on an empty stomach, you should experience bowel movement within several hours. 
  • You should take castor oil for 3-7 days if you are looking to relieve constipation. If your situation isn’t improved after this time, don’t keep taking the castor oil, and talk to your doctor. 
  • You might be suffering from some more serious condition, and should get it checked out.

Castor oil helps to reduce hardened skin

Reduce Hardened skin

  • tight or badly fitting shoes; using certain tools or carrying heavy weights; or even from your own bones grinding on the inside of the skin (I have fallen arches, and I occasionally get calluses in the middle of my foot where a bone seems to be repeatedly pressing against the ground as I walk). 
  • Castor oil is great at softening and removing hardened skin and calluses. Simply rub in some castor oil regularly into the hardened skin and watch it gradually get smoother and softer over a period of a few days.
  •  If you have calluses on your feet, you can additionally do a kind of miniature castor oil pack: apply castor oil to the hardened skin, put a band aid or a piece of adhesive tape over the castor oil, and finally put on an old sock to keep any castor oil that leaks out from making stains around your house. 

How should you use castor oil to get rid of dandruff?

Helps in reducing dandruff

  •  Simply take a few teaspoons of castor oil and work them into your scalp. 
  • Make sure you move aside the hair as much as possible to get the castor oil on the skin rather than having it stay in the hair (there’s nothing bad about getting in your hair, it will just make it less likely that you will be treating your dandruff). 
  • Leave the castor oil in for 20-30 minutes, then wash it out with shampoo. If you find that castor oil by itself is too thick and greasy to effectively get onto your scalp, you can mix it with a less viscous oil, such as olive oil. 
  • You can repeat this several times a week, or even daily, until you get rid of dandruff.
 Grow stronger, healthier nails Castor oil stimulates nail using castor oil

Healthier Nails

  • In addition, it fights fungal infections on your nails and nail cuticles. 
  • To strengthen your nails with castor oil, you can simply rub in some castor oil into your nails and cuticles. 
  • This is a particularly good idea in case you are already using castor oil for another purpose and have some left over on your hands. You can also prepare a more complex nail treatment. 
  • Warm up a bowl of water, and add some epsom salt and several teaspoons of castor oil. Dip your hands in the bowl, and allow them to soak in there for 10-15 minutes.
  •  With this treatment, castor oil with soften the skin on your hands and strengthen your nails and cuticles. 
  • Remove skin tags Skin tags are benign growths on the skin that appear in areas where there are skin folds, such as on the eyelids or the armpits. 
  • They basically look like little, hanging bits of skin. Even though they are benign, they can be unsightly, and can also form a minor nuisance if they get caught or irritated by clothes or jewelry.
  • There are various home remedies that have worked to remove skin tags for different people. Castor oil is one of these, and though it’s not guaranteed to remove your skin tags, it’s worth a try since it is completely safe and painless. 
  • To help you get rid of skin tags, simply rub castor oil onto the skin tags.
  •  Do this regularly, several times a day for several days or even a couple of weeks, and hopefully you will see your skin tag decrease and eventually disappear. 
  • Make a hair pomade It’s a little known fact that expensive hair pomades and gels (at least the more natural ones) are basically just a mix of beeswax and an oil. 
  • Castor oil is a particularly good oil to use for this purpose – not only is it thick so it will provide styling, but it is beneficial for your hair for all the other reasons listed in this book.
  •  All you will need for this is some beeswax and some castor oil. 
  • You can optionally add some essential oils for scent. 
  • You can use whatever you like, but I have tried using lavender, rosemary, and cypress. 


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